重要公告 (Announcement)

Sunday, November 20, 2022

EMI 學生參與及評量


1. Strategies to get students to participate in discussions and group projects
(1) students engaged in the content and ideas
(2) students engaged in critical thinking
(3) specific and detailed activities or prompts
(4) circle the room and check on students
(5) correct students' English only when necessary

2. Building participation in EMI courses
(1) Prompts with pictures
- comfortable in speaking English
(2) Pass the ball
- everyone has an opportunity to participate
(3) Laser pointer poiting
- talking in class and focusing on the content
(4) Tournament
- study collaboratively
(5) Pros and Cons
- review contents

3. Key principles in creating assessments
(1) should be ongoing
(2) feedback and grading
(3) Students should not be surprised by the graded assessment
(4) don't over-assess

4. Assessment options
(1) Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs)
(2) Capstone Projects
(3) Portfolios
(4) Presentations
(5) Papers or Reports

5. Considerations in creating and using rubrics
(1) clear and as simple as possible
(2) linked to learning objectives
(3) criteria and descriptors should be based on student performance
(4) useful and fair rubrics take time

6. Steps to write a rubric
(1) identify the assignment and the learning objectives
(2) make a list of the criteria
(3) decide performance levels
(4) write descriptors for each performance level
(5) make the rubric
(6) decide how to give the rubric to the students
(7) try out the rubric

Thursday, November 10, 2022

EMI 協助學生學英文


1. "know" a word
(1) recognize it when reading
(2) recognize it when hearing
(3) use it correctly when speaking
(4) use it in writing

2. need to know and understand 95-98% of the words they hear (Hu and Nation, 2000; Nation and Newton, 2008)

3. Types of words
(1) Technical: specific meaning, explained and defined during a lecture
(2) Academic: common for higher education, ex. estimate, interpret, or principle
(3) General: common across all types of communication, ex. buy, cause, weather

4. Building content vocabulary
(1) definition
(2) synonym
(3) explanation
(4) illustration

5. Strategies for helping students with vocabulary
(1) Make a list of words
(2) Explain words in context
(3) Use visuals
(4) Use intuition and experience
(5) Small group discussions
(6) Re-use key words during class
(7) Glossary of key terms
(8) Explain new words in different ways
(9) Prepare students with key words for any assignments or assessments
(10) Use technology
ex. vocabulary.com, quizlet, Wordsmyth, Graphwords, Lingro

6. Assessment for students' reading skills
(1) brief summary in their won words of an assigned test
(2) brief, ungraded quiz
(3) read a text for homework and discuss it in small groups

7. Reading subskills
(1) Reading in detail:  the main idea and any relevant details
(2) Scanning: look quickly over a text and find specific information
(3) Skimming: look quickly over a text and get the main idea of the text
(4) Identifying opinions: fact or someone's opinion, ex. think, believe, seem, good, better, worst, should be
(5) Inferencing: what a writer means even though the writer doesn't say it.

8. Strategies for helping students read and understand content in English
(1) study guide with assigned readings
(2) introduction video
(3) training students to gain necessary content from reading
    (a) break it up
    (b) break it up and share
    (c) True or false
    (d) make an outline
    (e) bookmark note
    (f) use text-to-speech software

9. Considerations in planning and structuring content
(1) make lectures fairly short: < 15 min.
(2) use visuals to emphasize the main points
(3) handout with key points listed
(4) relate new course materials to students' lives
(5) set up study groups
(6) feedback

10. Tips for making slides
(1) an overview slide: objectives, outline, keyterms
(2) one slide equals one point
(3) limit to 6 lines per slide
(4) limit transitions, sound effects, and animations
(5) high-quality graphics and images
(6) relevant chars, tables, figures, etc.
(7) choose designs easy to read
(8) avoid unfamiliar abbreviations and jargon
(9) explain information on the slide, but don't read the slide
(10) citations

11. Strategies to help students understand EMI lectures
(1) speak slowly and clearly
(2) time for students to take note during lectures
(3) clear organizational signals
(4) explain or clarify key terms
(5) ask clear and direct questions

Sunday, November 6, 2022

EMI 的課程表設計


 A. Contents
1. times that the course meets
2. room
3. name and contact information
4. office hours
5. course description
6. required textbooks/materials/technologies
7. student learning objectives
    observable and measurable!
8. assignments and their weighting
9. course policies
10. schedule

B. Bloom's Taxonomy

Levels of Learning Objectives

Suggested Verbs


define, describe, identify, list, match, memorize, recall, state


classify, convert, describe, discuss, explain, summarize


apply, calculate, demonstrate, discover, modify, predict, solve


categorize, compare, differentiate, question


arrange, assemble, categorize, combine, design, formulate, generate


Argue, assess, choose, conclude, judge, justify, predict

words to avoid: understand, know, learn, appreciate, think about, develop

Saturday, November 5, 2022

EMI 的課程設計


A. Backward Design
Stage 1: to identify the desired results
Stage 2: to determine the acceptable evidence
Stage 3: to plan learning experiences and instruction

B. Models
1. mini-lesson and a content lesson
2. start immediately with the contents and stop in order to explain key vocabulary or ideas.

C. Course revision or development
1. Planning Stage
2. Course Implementation Stage
3. Course Revision Stage

D. Strategies to help students build confidence
1. Build a supportive environment that encourages and rewards participation
2. Make sure students know you don't expect perfect English

E. Choosing materials
1. Review the Student Learning Objectives and Course Description
2. Review the Assessments, Assignments, and Grading
3. Review options for a textbook or materials
(1) content?
(2) level of English?
(3) affordable?
(4) different publications or online sources?
(5) visuals?
(6) relevant to global world or few cultures?
(7) online support?
(8) support while reading?
(9) student-centered learning?
(10) how much of the book will be required for the course?
(11) write materials or create instructional videos in English?

F. Differentiating Instruction
1. Same assessment exceptions
.... not let stronger student dominate discussions.
as a "scribe"
2. Flipped learning

Saturday, October 29, 2022

EMI 學生修習課程的好處


Benefits of Taking an EMI Course

1. read the most recent and up-to-date materials
2. find and read materials that are most accessible online
3. read materials that reflect top industry standards
4. get assistance from help centers and companies via phone or online support
5. operate the most high-quality machinery or equipment
6. find a more high-paying job
7. get an international certificate
8. get a job with an international company
9. move to another country and find a good job
10. competing with the world

EMI 學生應具備的英語能力、評估需求


Types of language support students will need
1. Vocabulary
2. Grammar
3. Reading
4. Listening
5. Speaking
6. Writing (depends)

Assess students’ needs
1. Educate yourself about common difficulties that students have
2. Give students a questionnaire about their experiences learning in EMI courses
3. Use a language assessment
4. Have students complete an anonymous self- assessment

Create a student-centered learning approach in our course

EMI 教師的角色與責任、教學策略



1. Facilitator
2. Content Expert
3. Support Coach
4. Bridge Builder
5. Role Model


1. Plan your course based on your students’ needs
2. Give authentic assignments and assessments
3. Prepare and reflect


1. Be clear and concise
2. Use audiovisuals to reinforce main points
3. Use flipped learning
4. Have students contribute
5. Practice!
6. Observe a colleague
7. Connect with your students
8. Reflect on your teaching
9. Create a professional network
10. Take it easy!

EMI 教師英語能力的要求 (最好 C1以上)


Saturday, July 16, 2022


 Ref: https://www.edu.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=9E7AC85F1954DDA8&sms=169B8E91BB75571F&s=2BCAF7C42463717F

發布單位:高等教育司 聯絡人:陳浩    電話:7736-5886 電子信箱:houchan@mail.moe.gov.tw

面對全球化與數位科技發展趨勢,國際溝通是我國新世代人才不可或缺的能力,也是國家重點產業邁向國際佈局的關鍵,教育部將於2021年9月啟動「大專校院學生雙語化學習計畫」,使學生不僅在專業知識站在國際前緣,並養成可以與國際專業人士溝通合作及全球移動的能力。本計畫將聚焦推動「重點培育」及「普及提升」兩大主軸,強化學生英語力、推動全英語課程(或稱EMI課程,English-Medium-Instruction Courses),整體提升高教國際競爭力。


教育部表示啟動「大專校院學生雙語化學習計畫」(以下簡稱雙語計畫)已有一定程度基礎,依據教育部與英國文化交流協會在2020-2021進行的調查發現,目前我國高三生約 21%達到「歐洲語言學習、教學、評量共同參考架構」(CEFR)B2流利以上等級,亦即有五分之一的高三學生具有修習全英語課程的基本能力,而師資方面,則已有近七千名大學教師具全英語授課能力。




壹、重點培育計畫,將擇優挹注具國際競爭力之大專校院轉型為雙語標竿學校或專業領域學院轉型為雙語標竿學院,培養專業領域雙語專業人才,並作為國內各大專校院推行雙語教育之典範。雙語標竿學校2024年預計達3所, 2030年預計達6所,雙語標竿學院2024年預計達18個、2030年達30個,績效目標設定以學生表現為關鍵績效指標,包含提升學生英語能力及提升學生雙語專業能力,各校(院)至少達成以下目標:


(一) 2024年達到「25-20-20」:2024年時,標竿大學與標竿學院至少有25%的大二學生,其英文能力在聽說讀寫達到CEFR B2以上的流利精熟等級,同時全校至少有20%的大二學生與碩一學生,在其當年所修學分中的20%以上為全英語課程。


(二) 2030年達成「50-50-50」:2030年時,標竿大學與標竿學院中至少有50%的大二學生在聽說讀寫達到CEFR B2以上的流利精熟程度,同時至少有50%的大二學生與碩士學生其當年學分中的50%以上為全英語課程,並推動畢業證書EMI修課認證,以接軌國際及產業。




(一) 英語課採全英語教學:2024年至少20所大專校院英語課採全英授課比率達30%以上、2030年至少40所大專校院英語課採全英授課比率達80%以上;並逐步推動專業導向(ESP、EAP、EWP)之英語教學內涵,以逐步協助學生修習EMI課程。


(二) 鼓勵學生修讀EMI課程:2024年至少5%大二及碩一學生修習至少1門全英語授課課程、2030年至少10%大二及碩一學生,修習至少2門全英語授課課程。




Friday, July 1, 2022


中華民國發明專利第  I768210 號 


The disclosure provides a method for forming a functionally graded cement-based cementitious material, including a mold, in which the cement paste is poured, electroosmotic reaction conducted on the cement paste, and transfer of the cement pastes into the water tank for curing to obtain a cement-based cementitious material with functionally graded properties. The disclosure also provides a cement-based cementitious material formed by the above method. The compressive strength in the middle of the cement-based cementitious material is smaller than those at both ends.

US Patent No. 11,492,297


A method for forming cement-based cementitious material includes: pouring a cement paste into a mold; applying an electrical current to the cement paste to perform an electro-osmotic reaction; and transferring the reacted cement paste into a water tank for curing, thereby obtaining a functionally graded cement-based cementitious material. A pair of electrodes is placed in the mold and connected to an external power source. The compressive strength of the functionally graded cement-based cementitious material in the middle is lower than that at either of both ends.

(暫存) 印度大學

 Thapar Institute Patiala of Engineering Technology

天氣與交通 (local weather and traffic)